Need Help? Try These Resources...

We provide comprehensive product support for our customers and partners. Please use the following resources to learn more on M-Files. We trust that these resources will enable you to maximize your utilization of M-Files to its fullest potential.

End Users: 

Help CenterOne-stop shop for quick and easy answers about M-Files, no matter if you're just starting or have been with us for a while. Watch video tutorials!

User Guide: The M-Files User Guide is a comprehensive manual that helps you to use the M-Files software effectively.

Learning and Education: We offer training programs and educational resources to help users get started with the platform, as well as to deepen their understanding of its features and capabilities.

Administrators and Key Users: 

Online Documentation: We provide extensive online documentation, including user guide, support articles and Knowledge Base articles to help you navigate the platform.

Product News and Updates: We regularly release product updates and new capabilities to improve performance, security, and functionality.

Technical Support: We offer technical support services via an online ticketing system and phone. Designated and registered support contacts can reach out our support team for assistance with technical issues, troubleshooting, and general inquiries. Read more how to register.

Learning and Education: We offer training programs and educational resources to help users get started with the platform, as well as to deepen their understanding of its features and capabilities.

Community Forums: Interact with other users, ask questions, share tips and best practices, and seek advice from M-Files experts.

Professional Services: M-Files offers professional services to assist customers with implementation, customization, integration, and optimization of the M-Files platform according to their specific business needs. Please contact us for more information.

Solution Catalog: Browse the catalog to find add-on products and extensions.

Webinars: Join our webinars on product and market trends to remain informed about the latest advancements in M-Files and the market.


Developer Portal: Find guidance, tutorials, and samples for software developers.

Cannot find help via these resources? Contact us and we will help you!